Crisis In The Humanities? What Crisis?

“In the English-speaking world, over the past half-century, the proportion of students studying humanities at university has hardly changed. … And, very importantly, the rapid expansion of higher education in the world over the past couple of generations means that, in absolute numbers, more people are studying the humanities than ever before. The question is why humanists have not been able or willing to recognise their own sustained success.”

Mansplaining ‘Lolita’: What Happened When Rebecca Solnit Had At Esquire’s Books-Every-Man-Should-Read List

“I was arguing not that everyone should read books by ladies … but that maybe the whole point of reading is to be able to explore … and experience being others. Saying this upset some men. Many among that curious gender are easy to upset, and when they are upset they don’t know it (see: privelobliviousness). They just think you’re wrong and sometimes also evil.”

What Does Mahler Mean?

“Even Mahler’s bucolic idylls were conditioned by his busy life. The resorts where he went were fashionable and increasingly crowded. Good rail connections linked them to the major centers of the Austro-Hungarian Empire, making them ‘microcosms of the very cities from which the composer so often claimed to take refuge.’ The experience was more like Davos than Caspar David Friedrich. Mahler’s love of nature was predicated on his separation from it.”