Top Posts From AJBlogs 12.17.15

Broad Expectations: Exceeded
The other day the Broad Museum announced attendance since its opening on Sept. 20: it admitted 177,264 visitors in its first 12 weeks; by the end of this month, it expects more than  … read more
AJBlog: Real Clear Arts Published 2015-12-17

$3.75m Cash Severance: Patrick McClymont, Sotheby’s CFO, Steps Down Suddenly
In the latest Sotheby’s shocker, the auction house has just announced that its chief financial officer, Patrick McClymont, is precipitously stepping down. He will resign, effective Dec. 31, to pursue the proverbial “other opportunities.” … read more
AJBlog: CultureGrrl Published 2015-12-17

Herman And Hefti, “Let It Snow”
“The birdbath looks like a coconut cake,” my wife said. In addition to beauty, the sight offered two benefits. 1. It was a reliable indicator of how much snow we had last night on the … read more
AJBlog: RiffTides Published 2015-12-17


Making Ice Dance Artistic, And Even Cool

So the Winter Olympics have convinced you of skating’s potential, but Disney on Ice just isn’t for you? For his company Imperial Ice Stars, producer Tony Mercer takes skilled Russian champions, trains them in character acting and mime, and staged skated adaptations of classic ballets; Canada’s Le Patin Libre takes the contemporary dance approach, exploring shape, flow and composition in non-narrative works.

The Prado And Spain’s Royal Collections Make Peace In Their Battle Over Bosches

“National Heritage officials [have] backed off a bid to transfer [four] paintings – Hieronymus Bosch’s triptych The Garden of Earthly Delights and Table of the Mortal Sins; Tintoretto’s The Foot Washing; and Rogier van der Weyden’s Descent from the Cross – to a €160m museum due to open in Madrid by 2017 to house the Royal Collections.”

Pas De Deux For Two Naked Dancers And Drones (Produced By A Japanese Online Clothing Boutique)

“Almost as artistically as the two dancers themselves, the drones hover up and down, left and right, to cover up the private parts of the human performers with thin sheets of white paper. A complex performance between man and machine unfolds, and one cannot help but admire the perfect timing and placement of the little artificial dancers.” (video)