The Rehabilitation Of One Of Los Angeles’ Most Contested Pieces Of Public Art

“‘He wanted to invent a new theory that would interweave color and music through the technology of the Triforium,’ said Leslie Young, one of the artist’s two daughters who spoke recently at the fundraising event. ‘As part of his fantastical plan, my father proposed that laser beams would shoot skyward from the three concrete pillars, tapping out Los Angeles in Morse code,’ said Cecily Young, Joseph Young’s other daughter.”

London ‘Garden Bridge’ Idea Hits Some Serious Bumps

“The fairy lights of a Christmas market twinkled through the windows while tourists shuffled along the south bank clutching cups of mulled wine, oblivious to the heated debate going on inside the chamber. The mayor had been summoned, along with the head of Transport for London Mike Brown and its planning director Richard de Cani, to explain themselves to the Greater London Authority’s Oversight Committee over the murky genesis of the proposed garden bridge. And Boris, chief bridge booster, was getting increasingly hot under the collar.”

Is The Criticism Of The Crowd Drowning Out Professional Critics?

“As the fans and the publicists conspire to drown the rest of us with information, it can become difficult to honestly experience the film on the screen. The irony here is that the bigger and busier the conversation about movies becomes, the more it tends toward consensus; it’s the paradox of the Internet where infinite information is channelled through oligopolies.”