Vantage Press Shuts Down

“Vantage Press, one of the original ‘vanity’ publishing businesses, has closed three years after its acquisition by media investment banker David Lamb.” Says a lawyer’s letter to creditors, “Vantage does not have sufficient revenue to sustain itself as a going concern. It has, therefore, ceased all business operations.”

Black Watch Director Leaves National Theatre Of Scotland

“The director behind the National Theatre of Scotland’s biggest hit, Black Watch, has announced that he is to leave the company. John Tiffany, who was named best director at this year’s Tony awards for his production of the musical Once, has stepped down as associate director for the National Theatre of Scotland, having held the role since 2005.”

La Scala Ballet Strike: Dancers Back Down, But Chorus Forces Cancellation

The corps de ballet members who were demanding hazard pay for performing on a stage with a 10-degree rake withdrew their strike threat at the last minute, but the choristers – who insist on extra money for memorizing their music and moving in time (the way they do for opera) – continued their walkout, forcing cancellation of the ballet season’s opening night.

‘Anti-Englishness’ Debate Roils Scotland’s Arts Community

Author Alasdair Gray “triggered a huge row at the weekend when it emerged he had written a hard-hitting essay – entitled ‘Settlers and Colonists’ – … [in which he] expressed opposition to short-term colonists who come north of the border to advance their careers, then head back to England,” singling out certain arts leaders in particular.