The Pros And Cons Of Ballet’s Ranking System

Most European companies have at least five ranks for their dancers, based on the system developed at the Paris Opera Ballet. Most North American companies limit themselves to corps de ballet, soloist, and principal; the Joffrey does without rankings altogether. And when Dutch National Ballet artistic director Ted Brandsen wanted to make his company’s seven-rank system more egalitarian, the dancers themselves objected. Joseph Carman looks at the advantages and disadvantages of dancer ranks. — Dance Magazine

New Comics Publisher Wants To Do For Comics What Streaming Services Did For TV Series (Binge!)

“In an industry where buying monthly, serialized stories is the norm, TKO is presenting an alternative: binge releasing its mini-series; simultaneously selling collected editions of those stories; and offering the first issue of each comic free. TKO is also selling directly to readers and retailers from its website, not through normal distribution channels.” — The New York Times

American Orchestras Have A Pay Equity Problem, And The Solution Is Radical Transparency

Jumping off from Boston Symphony principal flutist Elizabeth Rowe’s gender pay discrimination lawsuit, equal opportunity law scholar Nancy Leong and freelance oboist Tenly Williams argue that “substantive reform cannot happen without radical transparency regarding hiring, promotion, and pay. … While transparency is stressful and uncomfortable at the outset, it is also the key to unlocking equity not only for women but all demographics.” — Slate

After Tumultuous Year, New York Public Radio President Laura Walker To Step Down

In a memo to staff, Walker said that “the Board and I have agreed that the time has come for me to move on.” (Her contract was due to expire in June; she steps down at the end of March.) Over 23 years, Walker presided over extraordinary growth at WNYC, the US’s largest public radio outlet, but a series of scandals and controversies over the past year led to more general criticism of her management style and extremely high pay. — Current