Oh, English. Why So Damned Difficult?

“Why, for centuries, have people struggled to spell? Because English spelling is horribly hard. It is not just that we have ‘for’ and ‘four,’ ‘stake,’ ‘steak,’ and ‘mistake.’ We also have ‘peak,’ ‘peek,’ and ‘pique.’ ‘Horrid’ has a double consonant in the middle, ‘timid’ a single one. ‘Prefer’ has one ‘f,’ ‘proffer’ two.”

So, What Do The Real Housewives Of Miami Think Of Art Basel?

“Marysol: It’s always been about art, which is its basis, but now it’s taken over the social calendar. It’s just this huge social experience and celebrities, every year there’s more and more. … It’s interesting how in the beginning we worked with big art galleries, and then it started transforming into a few art galleries and fashion brands bringing the art element in.”