Window Pains: The Stained-Glass Industry Is Showing Cracks

“Declining church attendance is playing a role, as is the growth of nondenominational congregations … that pine for a more modern aesthetic. … To attract business, some artisans are even steering clear of using the term ‘stained glass’ because it carries connotations of fusty old churches … [and are] targeting projects without religious overtones.”

The Best Director On American Television?

Matt Zoller Seitz nominates Michelle MacLaren. “Her visual chops are undeniable, but the managerial skills she honed while toiling on the logistical side of showbiz are an equally important part of her success. TV is art made under pressure. … MacLaren approaches the job with a stoic unflappability leavened by nonchalant Canadian cheer.”

Are International Museum Franchises Really A Good Idea?

“The biggest question hovering over satellite museums is the most basic: why would sophisticated cities with their own rich cultural heritage and traditions feel the need to establish institutions that foreigners think they need?” A point-counterpoint forum between art journalist (and ArtsJournal blogger) Lee Rosenbaum and art historian and gallery director Maymanah Farhat.