Five Projects That Are Diversifying And Strengthening Classical Music In And Outside The Concert Hall

Of the five that WQXR has chosen to cite and congratulate, one is well-established and well-known, one is newer but has made the news, one’s unglamorous but very useful, one’s an outreach idea we’d never thought of, and one’s not really a project at all (but it involves a lot of heros). — WQXR (New York City)

Yes, International Audiences Can Appreciate – And Spend Money On – ‘Minority’ Actors And Movies

Though Tyler Perry movies aren’t popular overseas, three movies from this year of U.S. cinema have shown that it’s time for a Hollywood industry shift on actors of color. Check the numbers for Black Panther, Crazy Rich Asians, and BlackKlansman, and it’s all too obvious that “conventional wisdom” is about as unwise as you can get. – The New York Times

A Literary Cry Of Grief For The Ending Of ‘Tin House’

Sure, the site, and its books and workshops, will continue, but losing the literary magazine is a real blow. Karen Russell: “Tin House was so inviting, so beautiful and so playful. … You sort of felt like readers all are welcome here, and these are your people. These are the lovers of language, the super weirdos, the poets and the wizards that you want to be with.” – NPR

‘The Marvelous Mrs. Maisel’ Isn’t Perfect, But It Made A Perfect Decision About The Idea Of Having It All

Sometimes, it’s not possible to be devoted to art and to have love and a family. [Spoiler alert for the end of Season 2 ahead.] “‘I can’t go back to Jell-O molds,’ Midge tells her soon-to-be-ex-husband, Joel. ‘There won’t be three [kids] before 30 for me. I just made a choice. I am gonna be all alone for the rest of my life.'” – The Atlantic

Audrey Geisel, The Keeper Of Dr. Seuss’ Flame, Has Died At 97

Geisel, the widow of Theodor Geisel and a fierce protector and advocate for his estate, died on Wednesday. “Ms. Geisel, a petite woman of boundless energy, would hold court each morning with aides at a hotel restaurant in San Diego, The Associated Press reported, arriving in a 1984 Cadillac with a license plate that said GRINCH.” – The New York Times