For Patrons Of Bankrupt Opera, Free Tickets Elsewhere

“In a generous act perfectly suited to the holiday season, four major arts organizations – the Baltimore Symphony Orchestra, Washington National Opera, Centerstage and the Hippodrome – will offer a gift of free tickets to patrons of the Baltimore Opera Company, which filed for Chapter 11 bankruptcy protection on Dec. 4 and canceled the remainder of its 2008-2009 season.” Of course, the offer is smart marketing as well.

The Bible: Never Not A Best Seller

“It’s an astonishing fact that year after year, the Bible is the best-selling book in America — even though 90% of households already have at least one copy. The text doesn’t vary, except in translation. The tremendous sales volume, an estimated 25 million copies sold each year, is largely driven by innovations in design, color, style and the ultimate niche marketing.”

National Academy Museum Is At The Financial Precipice

“The 183-year-old academy, a museum and school that played a pathbreaking role in fostering a New York art scene in the 19th century, is in serious trouble. Having sold two important Hudson River School paintings from its collection this month to pay bills, the institution was recently branded a pariah by the Association of Art Museum Directors.” Artist members have rejected the notion of selling the academy’s Fifth Avenue museum and other properties.

Evolution Or Devolution: Is The Internet A Force For Good?

“Some of today’s most vaunted tech philosophers are embroiled in a ferocious argument. On one side are those who think the Internet will liberate humanity, in a virtuous cycle of e-volving creativity that may culminate in new and higher forms of citizenship. Meanwhile, their diametrically gloomy critics see a kind of devolution taking hold….”