The Israeli Government Asks That The German Government De-Fund Berlin’s Jewish Museum

Why? It’s one on a list of German institutions that, the conservative Israeli government says, are promoting anti-Israeli activity or sentiment. But “Tamar Zandberg, leader of the left-wing Meretz party, which sits in the opposition, decried what she called Mr. Netanyahu’s ‘obsession’ with pursuing and censoring ideological opponents all the way to the Jewish Museum in Berlin.” – The New York Times

How Can Theatres Deal With Generational Changes, Take Risks, And Work With Failure?

Two artistic directors try to figure it out. Joanna Pfaelzer is the soon-to-be incoming AD of the Berkeley Rep: “When we look at the twenty-year-olds and the thirty-year-olds in our field, they’re thinking about collaboration, about the process of how and why and you make work together, in a much broader way. They’re going to demand that of the institutions, and the structures are going to have to adapt to their vision, and they should.” – HowlRound

A Christmas Without Enough Paper Books As Printers Run Into A Bottleneck

Turns out a banner year for publishing (which is what 2018, improbably, turned into) means that printers are running as fast as they can, and it’s not fast enough. That’s “creating a backlog that has led to stock shortages of popular titles.” (They do have these things called ebooks and audiobooks? But … anyway.) – The New York Times