San Francisco Opera Just Breaks Even

“The San Francisco Opera finished its 2007-08 fiscal year with a tiny surplus of $141,377 on an annual operating budget of $72,531,193… ‘We got out of there with our pants on,’ said General Director David Gockley… ‘We were able to cut $1.2 million in expenses, and ticket sales for the fall were only about $100,000 below projections.'”

Study: Longtail Theory Doesn’t Work For Music

“The idea that niche markets were the key to the future for internet sellers was described as one of the most important economic models of the 21st century when it was spelt out by Chris Anderson in his book The Long Tail in 2006.” A new study reports “that for the online singles market, 80 per cent of all revenue came from about 52,000 tracks. For albums, the figures were even more stark: of the 1.23million available, only 173,000 were ever bought, meaning 85 per cent did not sell a single copy all year.”

Europe’s Massive Digital Library Goes Onlline Again

Europeana brings together more than two million books, maps, recordings, photographs, archive documents, paintings and films. But it crashed soon after launching last month after 10 million hits an hour overwhelomed servers. “The website’s server capacity has been quadrupled to cope with demand. But the homepage – at – warns that “the user experience may not be optimal in this test phase”.