A Different Way Of Thinking About Classical Music’s Place In The World

“With some holdouts, the official intellectual world has decided that if most people no longer think classical music is more complex and deep than any other music, then it isn’t. They raise the dread specter of “elitism”, that politically-correct but intellectually dishonest category that condemns the smarty pants who thinks he or she may have more knowledge and understanding about art than the untutored folk themselves.”

Saving The Great Architect From Himself

Oscar Niemeyer – who celebrated his 100th birthday this month – in the 1940s, ’50s and ’60s established himself as one of Modernism’s greatest luminaries. But “some of his most revered buildings — from the Brasilía Cathedral to the grand Monumental Axis of the city itself — have been marred by the architect’s own hand.” So “at what point do we — that is, the public that idolizes him, his government and private clients — have an obligation to intervene? Or is posing the question an act of spectacularly bad taste?”