Our Fears As Expressed By The Lessons Of Other Cities

Our deepest anxieties about the future of where we live are embodied in other cities — in Portlandification, Brooklynification, Manhattanization. The comparison is seldom a compliment. You don’t want to become Manhattan (too dense), Portland (too twee), Boston (too expensive), Seattle (too tech-y), Houston (too sprawling), Los Angeles (too congested), Las Vegas (too speculative), Chicago (too indebted). – The New York Times

What Rome’s Official Christmas Tree Says About Italy

Last year’s tree arrived half-dead, shedding needles and nicknamed Spelacchio (“Mangy”) — yet people grew so fond of it that they attached handwritten notes to it and created a Spelacchio Twitter account. This year’s tree is 65 feet tall, lush, covered with 60,000 lights, and sponsored by Netflix. (The ornaments have red Ns on them.) Journalist Ilaria Maria Sala argues that this is all too fitting. — The New York Times

The 15 Biggest Art History Stories Of 2018

There were new finds of art from ancient Egypt, Greece, Rome, and Mesoamerica, as well as discoveries of art tens of thousands of years old in Indonesia and South Africa. Two stolen paintings were discovered in odd places: a de Kooning in a New Mexico bedroom and a Degas in the baggage compartment of a bus. And then there were the Michelangelo bronzes identified by their abs. — Artsy

The Art And Science Of Hollywood Prosthetics (Or, How Christian Bale Was Metamorphosed Into Dick Cheney)

“Bale’s startling transformation is just the latest step forward in Hollywood for a booming prosthetics industry. For years, prosthetics were deep in the uncanny valley, making actors who wore them look not quite human, but recent advances in materials and expertise have allowed artists to create remarkable likenesses.” — The New York Times