In Uganda – Dreaming Of Building A Museum

“The government cares less about the arts and the Ugandans have other worries than to think about contemporary art. Realistically, an average Ugandan cannot afford to buy our works. Art as such is not a basic need. It is people who have extra to spend that think that their walls are empty. It has also a lot to do with education and a specific sense of aesthetics.”

Why Naxos Rules The (Classical) World

“Bluntly, Naxos will go where others fear to tread. The practical philosophy of making and selling records of classical music is this: if it’s obscure, nobody plays it. If nobody plays it, nobody gets to know it. If nobody knows it, do not record it because it’s uneconomical and you won’t be able to sell it. Unless your name happens to be Klaus Heymann and your company is Naxos.”

A TV In Every Room

“In 1975, the majority of American homes owned only one set. That amount has dropped to 19 percent. Decimal points aside, most people now own three sets. You have to be a bit careful about bean counters, though, because, as The AP points out, the overall numbers include all the TV sets in bars, restaurants and airports. Still, the statistics are stunning.”