For 23 Years Christo Has Been Trying To Do A Project In Colorado. Coloradans Are Fighting Him

“They have been relentless and rude, insulting his hair and clothes, making fun of his accent at public meetings. They have forced him to invest more than $7 million on land-impact studies and lawyer fees to fight court challenges. They’ve called him a foreigner, which he’s not, and criticized his art, reminding journalists and elected officials repeatedly that they are too unsophisticated to actually understand his work, which is a polite, Colorado way of saying they think it sucks.”

Painter Ellsworth Kelly, 92

“Mr. Kelly was a true original, forging his art equally from the observational exactitude he gained as a youthful bird-watching enthusiast; from skills he developed as a designer of camouflage patterns while in the Army; and from exercises in automatic drawing he picked up from European surrealism.”