All those millions of home computers out there laying idle much of the time could be put to good use while their owners aren’t working on them, say researchers. “With about 300 million PCs connected to the Internet but idle 90 percent of the time, there’s huge potential for scientific projects utilizing distributed computing power, researchers argue in a report.” – The Star Tribune (Minneapolis) (Scripps Howard) 12/28/00


“The Tate Modern is literally and figuratively the biggest thing to happen in the world of contemporary art, anywhere, for the last 25 years. The mutant offspring of such questionable immensities as the Pompidou Center and the Musée d’Orsay in Paris, the Bilbao Guggenheim, and the Hamburger Bahnhof in Berlin, the new Tate represents either the beginning of the end of the British art scene, or the end of the beginning. It makes you wonder if success will spoil the English art world.” – Village Voice


John Walsh has been checking out other museums since he stepped down as director of the Getty in September. “I keep thinking, what price success? Museums are drawing huge audiences, but to what? To dazzling new buildings or renovated ones, very often, or to ballyhooed exhibitions of overexposed art (even things with a dubious place in art museums like motorcycles and guitars). In settings like that, looking at works of art is becoming a point-and-click sort of thing. There’s a crowd flowing around you, noise . . . glance, move on.” – Los Angeles Times