Michael Kaiser Appeals For Government Help For The Arts

In response to the financial crisis, the head of the Kennedy Center and the arts’ Mr, Fixit writes, “We need an emergency grant for arts organizations in America, and we need legislation that allows unusual access to endowments. Washington must encourage foundations to increase their spending rates during this crisis, and we need immediate tax breaks for corporate giving.”

Last Winter’s Writers’ Strike Still Rippling Through Industry

“During the heart of last winter’s writers’ strike, the broadcast networks tried to play down the impact of the four-month walkout, insisting that the medium would suffer few long-term effects. Just the opposite has been true. With 2008 drawing to an end, broadcast is still suffering from strike hangover, and it may not get any better in 2009.”

Welsh Lit Fest May Try To Save Brecon Jazz Fest

“Wales’ top literary festival is looking at whether it can help rescue the Brecon Jazz festival. The Hay Festival, held every summer just 18 miles away, already has ties with the music event and its director Peter Florence says it wants to help. Brecon Jazz announced earlier this month it had ceased trading after suffering a ‘substantial loss’.”

In Used-Book Sales, Online Agility Is Make-Or-Break Skill

“The Wonder Book story offers the standard plot elements of successful entrepreneurial sagas: hard work, risk-taking, technical innovation, good luck. But … the story of how Chuck Roberts came to fill up those 54,000 square feet of warehouse space is also the story of how swiftly the once-sleepy business of selling used books has been remade over the past decade. To Roberts, ‘the Web book business is literally the Wild West.'”