What To Wear To Symphony Concerts: Actually Useful Advice For Newbies

Sure, administrators and musicians so often say to wear whatever you’re comfortable in, we don’t mind, we’re just happy you’re here. But plenty of people who hear that just keep asking, because they don’t want to stand out or get dirty looks and they honestly don’t know what other people do. So Holly Mulcahy offers some practical help for those folks (and those of us who talk with them).

Here’s Why It’s So Difficult To Run A Media Company Today

“Clutter is up — more ads, more channels, more content — advertising rates continue to drop, and audiences are programming their own universe in text, video and audio. Consumers don’t want to watch commercials, are fleeing networks, hate reruns, are increasingly bored by reality programming, shun print products and, oh, by the way, don’t want to pay much for content either. Yikes.”

Pianist Claude Frank Dead At 89

“A pianist much admired for interpretations elegantly perched between penetrating expressivity and rigorous intellectual inquest, … Frank was an influential performer and pedagogue, teaching at Yale University for nearly four decades, and a member of the Curtis Institute of Music faculty since 1988.”

“Serial” Update: Jay Speaks Publicly For The First Time

“The star witness at [Adnan] Syed’s trial was Jay Wilds, a former classmate who testified that he helped Syed dispose of Lee’s body.” Jay declined to speak to the producers of Serial while the podcast seires was being prepared; now he feels he was unfairly portrayed and has spoken to a different outlet – with yet another version of the events in question.

Benedict Cumberbatch On Why Sherlock Never Gets Laid

“I think he also realizes he can’t beat female intuition; he can’t. So to embroil himself where he might be enslaved through adoration or sexual desire or any kind of power or chemistry to do with love is too big a risk for him. That doesn’t make him gay, and it doesn’t make him asexual. It means he’s purposely abstaining for the sake of his craft. Not something I do.”