A Moroccan-Canadian musician and U.S. green card holder says that agents at JFK airport inspected his 11 neys and two kawalas, decided they were untreated agricultural items, and destroyed them – and only told him about it afterward.
Tag: 12.31.13
How Do You Design A Light Rail System To Match LA’s Personality?
“Although the spare and modern design marks a clear improvement over Metro’s wildly uneven status quo, it is also overly restrained, even bloodless. What it’s lacking more than anything is the colorful, informal exuberance that has always animated the most significant L.A. architecture and design.”
Banksy Backlash Explained
“At some point, Banksy crossed the line between success and establishment hack. He should have seen it coming. The art world, with its unforgiving addiction to novelty, always sneers at popular success. The critical backlash was two fold.”
There’s No Such Thing As Standard English Anymore (So Why Do We Pretend There Is?)
“Non-standard English is linguistically the equal of the standard version – in fact, dialects tend to be more sophisticated grammatically than standard (as in the plural “youse” of many non-standard dialects where standard has just one confusing form). Yet standard continues – even now – to be prized as the “correct” form, and any deviation is considered to be wrong, lazy, corrupt or ignorant.”