How Do You Rebrand A Country?

Building on the cultural capital acquired through everything from anime and manga to sushi bars, Japan’s Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry is developing a campaign – along the lines of the recent “Incredible India” – around the tagline “Cool Japan”. Could a slogan mitigate the effects of Fukushima or the dolphin killings on Japan’s image?

Europe’s Radio Orchestras Are Thriving In The Internet Era

The once-stodgy house bands are now drawing eager audiences, criticial plaudits, and top talent on the podium (Jansons, Oramo, Järvi, Harding) and in the ranks. “The syntax of broadcasting is the lexicon of the internet. As a result, radio orchestras are better positioned to understand the new media environment than other musical establishments. … Connections are being broached with giant telecoms to carry concerts nationwide, worldwide.”