A Screed Against Diversity Efforts In The Sciences (Because You Should Know…)

“The science diversity charade wastes extraordinary amounts of time and money that could be going into basic research and its real-world application. If that were its only consequence, the cost would be high enough. But identity politics is now altering the standards for scientific competence and the way future scientists are trained.”

Can There Be A Canon Of Western Literature In The Age Of The Internet?

“If the coherence and usefulness of the Western canon seem increasingly untenable today, for reasons that reach beyond ideology, the very concept of a canon — one critically authoritative corpus of thought — now feels harder and harder to countenance. Not only has the unfolding triumph of digital life supplied every claim and every authority with an effectively infinite number of criticisms, the digital revolution has called into profound question how any limited body of knowledge can claim canonical authority over a world where information is infinite.”

What Is Enlightenment? Artforum Tackles The Question

“Conceived variously as an epoch, an idea, and an attitude, even a ‘sick’ word, as one contributor puts it in our pages, Enlightenment continues to inspire and rankle. … Artforum invited a group of writers, scholars, and activists — Adrian Piper, Michelle M. Wright, Charles W. Mills, J. M. Bernstein, Boaventura De Sousa Santos, MTL Collective and Jasbir K. Puar, and Sarah Nicole Prickett — to return to Johann Friedrich Zöllner’s question, famously answered by Kant in 1784 and then again by Foucault immediately before his death from AIDS in 1984.”